
The EsgynDB sandbox is a virtual appliance that provides a simulation of EsgynDB on a single-node cluster, giving you an area where you can become familiar with EsgynDB. Download the esgyn_2.2_0920.ova file and install it on a PC that is already running Oracle VirtualBox.

NOTE: If you encounter problems or need assistance with the installation or use of the EsgynDB sandbox, please email info@ for help.


Checking System Resources

To run the EsgynDB sandbox successfully, you need at least 16 GB of physical memory on your PC. Less memory will cause the sandbox operates very slowly.

Installing a Hypervisor

Install a free download of Oracle VirtualBox.  Here is the the download site and installation instructions.

Installing the EsgynDB Sandbox

Once your PC meets the prerequisites, follow these steps:

Downloading and Importing the OVA File

  1. Download the esgyn_2.2_0920.ova file from here to your PC.
    NOTE: The esgyn_2.2_0920.ova file is about 7 GB in size. Therefore, it might take over an hour to download this file to your PC depending on the speed of your Internet connection.
  2. Right-click the esgyn_2.2_0920.ova file on your PC and select Open with VirtualBox.exe.
  3. VirutalBox displays a dialog box that prompts you to import the new virtual machine. Keep the default name and local storage path (or virtual disk image) for the new virtual machine. Also select Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards. Click Import.  The import can take up to an hour, depending on the capabilities of your PC.

Configuring the Virtual Machine Settings

Once you have imported the virtual machine but before starting it, check the virtual machine settings for memory, and change that setting based on your PC’s system resources:

  1. In VirtualBox, click Settings.
  2. Disable the USB controller by clicking USB and clearing the Enable USB Controller check box. In the same Settings dialog box, click System and then click the Motherboard tab. Set the Base Memory by dragging the slider control to where the red and green meet. If you have selected the maximum recommended value, then you should no longer see Invalid settings detected at the bottom of the dialog box.
  3. If you want to access the virtual machine from outside, then you can configure an additional network adapter. Select the Network setting and click on the Adapter 2 tab. Refer to the VirtualBox networking documentation for configuration options, as this is network specific.
  4. Click OK to accept the changes.

Starting the Virtual Machine

  1. Select the start button.
  2. The hypervisor boots up CentOS, which might take a few minutes to complete.
    • If booting up succeeds, a trafodion dialog box appears and displays a list of usernames.
    • If booting up fails and displays the following error message, your PC probably does not have virtualization enabled.
      This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an I686 CPU.
      Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.
    • See the Troubleshooting section below for details on how to enable virtualization.
  3. In the login box, select trafodion, enter traf123 for the password, and then click Log In.

TIP: Instead of shutting down the system, save the virtual machine. When you restart it, it should return to the same state in which you had left it.

Starting the Hadoop Services

  1. Once you are logged in to the virtual machine, start the Hadoop services:
    • Click the Firefox browser icon in the toolbar and enter localhost:8080 in the address bar to open the Ambari console.
    • In the Ambari console, enter admin for the username and admin for the password, and click Sign in.
    • In the left side of the console, click Actions and select Start All.
    • If all the Hadoop services start up successfully, you will see a green check mark next to Start All Services, and its progress bar will be green at 100%. Please allow some time for all the services to be active and in a steady state.
  2. Check the actual status of HBase by starting a terminal session (by selecting Applications > System Tools > Terminal from the toolbar) and running the HBase shell command called status ‘simple’:
    [trafodion@trafodion ~]$ hbase shell
     hbase(main):001:0>status 'simple' 
     1 live servers
  3. If there are no live HBase RegionServers, try to restart HBase. Enter exit to leave the HBase shell.

Bringing Up the EsgynDB Instance

  1. Before starting EsgynDB, verify the network interface where the connectivity traffic will flow:
    • Start a terminal session by selecting Applications > System Tools > Terminal from the toolbar.
    • Run the ifconfig command and note which network interface (that is, eth or ethx, where x is a number, depending on your PC environment) has an IP address.
    • Compare that network interface name with the dcs.dns.interface setting in $MY_SQROOT/dcs*/conf/dcs-site.xml.
    • If those names are different, then change the dcs.dns.interface setting in dcs-site.xml to match the network interface name. You are now ready to start Trafodion.
  2.  In the terminal window, run these commands to bring up the EsgynDB instance:
  3. If sqstart runs successfully, you should see this output after running the sqcheck command:

    [trafodion@trafodion scripts]$ sqcheck
    Checking if processes are up.
    Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 11.
    The SQ environment is up!
    Process        Configured    Actual        Down
    -------        ----------    ------        ----
    DTM            2             2        
    RMS            4             4        
    MXOSRVR        8             8        
  4. Perform a quick sanity check using the Trafodion Conversational Interface (sqlci). Create a table with a couple of records. For example:
    >>create table test1 (f1 int, f2 int);
     --- SQL operation complete.
     >>insert into test2 values(1,1);
     --- 1 row(s) inserted.
     >>insert into test2 values(2,2);
     --- 1 row(s) inserted.
     >>select * from test2;
     F1            F2
     -----------   -----------
               1             1
               2             2
     --- 2 row(s) selected.
     >>get tables;
     Tables in Schema TRAFODION.SEABASE
     --- SQL operation complete.
  5. Those SQL commands should run successfully.

Connecting to the EsgynDB Sandbox

  1. Get the IP address of the EsgynDB sandbox so that you can later connect to it from a client application. The command ifconfig shows you the ip address.
  2. Download and install the Esgyn JDBC and/or ODBC drivers so that you can connect to the EsgynDB sandbox from a client application using the sandbox’s IP address. For instructions, see the Trafodion Client Installation Guide. That guide explains how to install the drivers, how to connect to a Trafodion instance, and how to run sample programs to test the connection.


Problem: Hadoop services do not start.

Solution: You might need to set the proxy server in /etc/yum.conf:

  1. Start a terminal session by selecting Applications > System Tools > Terminal from the toolbar.
  2. In the terminal session, log in as root with the password of traf123:

    [trafodion@trafodion ~]$ su root
    [root@trafodion trafodion]#
  3. Edit the /etc/yum.conf file by setting the proxy to http://trafodion:8080:

    [root@trafodion trafodion]# vi /etc/yum.conf
     [root@trafodion trafodion]#
  4. Close the terminal window.
  5. Restart all the Hadoop services.

Problem: Your PC does not have virtualization enabled.

Solution: To enable virtualization on your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Power off your PC.
  2. When powering on your PC, press Esc to display the Startup Menu.
  3. When the Startup Menu appears, press F10 for BIOS Setup.
  4. In the BIOS Setup, select the System Configuration tab.
  5. Select Device Configurations.
  6. Scroll down and select Virtualization Technology.
  7. Click Save.
  8. When prompted to save changes, click Yes.
  9. Click Exit.
  10. When prompted again to save changes, click Yes.
  11. Restart your PC.

Problem: In the Ambari console, you see a red exclamation point next to Start All Services or a red exclamation point next to one or more services.

Solution:  Click on each of the stopped services and manually try to start each one.